Brad Jauer

Mr. Jauer is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of GulfTex Energy. He has led a team that has successfully built and sold six private-equity-backed oil and gas companies since 2000. GulfTex Energy I was backed by EnCap Investments in 2006 and successfully monetized in 2010. GulfTex Energy II was funded by Wells Fargo, Prudential, Guggenheim and DE Shaw in 2011 and was successfully monetized in 2012. In 2012 GulfTex Karnes EFS was formed and capitalized by Wells Fargo and Prudential with a successful monetization occurring in 2016. GulfTex Energy III was backed by Wells Fargo, Prudential and GSO Capital in 2012 with a successful monetization of these assets also occurring in 2016. GulfTex Energy IV received an equity commitment from Wells Fargo, Prudential and GSO Capital in 2016 and the company was successfully sold in 2018/2019. Mr. Jauer is currently responsible for leading a team that is building a portfolio of oil and gas assets for GulfTex Energy V. GulfTex Energy V is funded by Wells Fargo, Prudential, Lincoln and GulfTex Management and is focused on building a portfolio of assets in the Eagle Ford Shale / Austin Chalk plays in South Texas. Mr. Jauer received a BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio.